Cipatex® - Fale Conosco
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How can we help you?

Part of the Cipatex® Group:

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Cipatex® Subsidiary (Brazil)
Petrom Mogi das Cruzes (Brazil)
Cipatex® Adehsives (Brazil)
Cipatex® Headquarter (Brazil)
Dinaplast (Argentina)
Cipatex® Europa (Spain)
  • Calle Proyecto, nº 20 Parcela 48 - Polígono Industrial - 46470 Catarroja (Valencia)

  • +34 615 97 89 80
  • -
Cipatex® of America (USA)

Report violation of the Code of
Ethics and the Diversity police.

As part of our transparency efforts, we have created this space for employees, suppliers, and business partners to make their 100% anonymous report about any act of disrespect to our Code of Ethics and Diversity Policy.