How can we help you?
Part of the Cipatex® Group:
Hover over the desired unit
Cipatex® Subsidiary (Brazil)
Rua Arlindo Campana, 219 – Distrito Industrial Cerquilho (SP) - CEP: 18528-632
- +55 (15) 3284-9000
- [email protected]
Petrom Mogi das Cruzes (Brazil)
Rod. Dom Paulo Rolim Loureiro, Km 9 - Vila Morais, Mogi das Cruzes (SP) - CEP: 18528-632
- +55 (11) 4798-7500
- [email protected]
Cipatex® Adehsives (Brazil)
Rua Arlindo Campana, 849 - Distrito Industrial Cerquilho (SP) - CEP 18528-700
- +55 (15) 3284-9055
- [email protected]
Cipatex® Headquarter (Brazil)
Av. 1º de Maio, 1314 - Distrito Industrial, Cerquilho (SP) - CEP 18528-342
- +55 (15) 3284-9000
- [email protected]
Dinaplast (Argentina)
Calle Metán, 3960 - Buenos Aires
- +54 11 4011-4011
- [email protected]
Cipatex® Europa (Spain)
Calle Proyecto, nº 20 Parcela 48 - Polígono Industrial - 46470 Catarroja (Valencia)
- +34 615 97 89 80
- -
Cipatex® of America (USA)
201 South Biscayne Blv Suite 1200 - Miami, FL, 33131
- +1 855 247 2844 / +1 224 488 6458 / +55 15 99132 2131
- [email protected]
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Ethics and the Diversity police.
As part of our transparency efforts, we have created this space for employees, suppliers, and business partners to make their 100% anonymous report about any act of disrespect to our Code of Ethics and Diversity Policy.